Software associated with the Internet is closely associated with Internet applications. Internet application is a protocol used to connect between one person or a machine with other parties apart. Internet applications will be related to the two sides, namely the supply side
(Server) or user side (client). Examples of Internet applications and software from the user side are common in use are:
1. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), an Internet application that displays lines, or images, with a few words below the line marked (hypertext). From this hypertext, the user can jump from one document (page) to other documents. The software on the users running http known as a browser.
2. E-mail (Electronic mail), an application of correspondence on the Internet. Every person has a
e-mail address, and can exchange documents with each other. Example software is Outlook Express
3. Messenger
Messenger uses to communicate between one or more persons (conference), in addition
communication through text (messsage), also can be a sound (voice) mapun film (webcam)
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RA.Kartini14 years ago
Monday, April 26, 2010
Internet Applications
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5:24 PM
Label: Software
Multimedia Applications
Multimedia applications today are many and varied. Multimedia is said because in addition to text media use, this application can be processed in the form of another show that is drawing votes
Multimedia applications is closely associated with the data format in use. Multimedia applications are generally separated into applications that are in use to create, which is only used for display only and application settings.
Multimedia digital formats include:
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) format, the sound of this instrument introduced in the year
1983 by music companies such as Roland electric, Yamaha and Korg. MIDI format is very compact with small size, the sounds generated by MIDI with support
who holds a synthesizer sound card (sound-producing electric) is very similar to an electric organ that can play various musical instruments.
MP3 format, known as the voice is different from the MIDI instrument only, MP3 record all votes, including votes singers. MP3 sound quality will be proportional to the size penyimpannya. A lot of quality in use to record music is a standard CD-ROM (44.2 KHz, 16 bit, stereo), while the lowest quality is the quality like the phone (5 KHz,
8 bit, mono).
MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group), a format that is compiled by experts from all over the world to a multimedia format.
AVI (audio video interleave), AVI format created by Microsoft and is easy on the move-move
in other Microsoft-made applications such as Word or PowerPoint
Quicktime, same as AVI, Quicktime can be used both on Intel-based computer or Mac. Quicktime AVI can menyaingin in because a better compression level. Determining the level of compression-small files that will also determine the large-small storage medium, and wide data paths required for the transfer.
Diposkan oleh
5:23 PM
Label: Software
Operating Systems
The operating system is associated with a processor that is in use. Types of processors on a common PC is compatible with the initial product of IBM and Macintosh. Macintosh PC, the software developed by the same company so that its development is not sepesat cloning the IBM PC. IBM's operating system from the current cloning are generally divided into two streams namely commercial created by Microsoft and which is freeware that was developed by researchers from around the world because it is open source, namely the manufacture of raw materials can be read, so the results can be added or modification by anyone.
While the interaction between the user and the computer is known through two ways, first way is giving instructions through the writing of the command (figure 3.5), or a way point (pointer) with graphical display
Diposkan oleh
5:22 PM
Label: Software
The software can generally be in for the second type of software systems and applications software. The software system can be in for another three types:
1. Programming language: it is the duty of software architecture and algorithms that convert the design into a format that humans can run a computer, examples of which programming language: BASIC, COBOL, Pascal, C + +, FORTRAN
2. Operating system: when the computer is first in the turn, the system first operasilah
on the run, the operating system that regulates the entire process, translates the input, manage internal processes, memanejemen memory usage and provides output to equipment
corresponding, for example operating systems: DOS, Unix, Windows 1995, IMB OS / 2, Apple's System
3. Utility: the operating system is a software system with certain functions, such as examination of the hardware (hardware troubleshooting), inspect a damaged floppy disk (not physically damaged), rearrange the contents of your hard disk (partition, defrag), an example is Norton Utility Utilty
The application software is part of the software is very much in the encounter and continue to grow. Before the 1990s the applications in familiar word processor (Word Star, Chi Write), processor table (Lotus 123, Quatro Pro), database (dBase) and entertainment (games). In the development of word processing, database tables and is currently in the bundle into office applications with the additional application for making presentations will be provided later in this training. Examples of office applications is Microsoft Office which consists of Word (word processing), Excel (processing tables), Access (database) and PowerPoint (presentation). Growing very much at this time is a multimedia and Internet applications. Examples of multimedia applications is the Winamp to play music files between MP3 or CD Audio, then RealPlayer which can be used for watching movies or VCDs. Internet applications in use are common for browsing, e-mail, chats and messenger.
Applications that are special to help them work like AutoCAD Engineer (structural drawings), Protel (images of electronic circuits), and Matlab (processing and visualization of mathematical equations).
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5:21 PM
Label: Software
Analyzing the MAC Address
MAC Address observe the hosts in the network with arp command
• Checking the local host ethernet MAC Address
root @ linux /] # ifconfig
Write and explain the MAC Address of your computer use
HWaddr 00:50: BA: C0: E1: 0A
• Checking your ethernet MAC address of computers connected to the local computer
root @ linux /] # arp-a
root @ linux /] # arp-n
Write and describe MAC address of computers connected to the computer that you wear ether 00:14:85:2 D: 50:72
root @ linux /] # arp
Diposkan oleh
5:15 PM
Label: Networking
Configuring TCP
Configuring TCP / IP on the Linux operating system
a) Check the configuration of TCP / IP
[Root @ linux /] # ifconfig
Write and explain the output of the command above?
To view the network configuration such as IP address in a network
eth0 Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr 00:50: BA: C0: E1: 0A
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
lo Link encap: Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
b) configuring TCP / IP
IP configuration can be done in several ways, including:
[Root @ linux /] # netconfig
[Root @ linux /] # ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast 255 255 255 248
[Root @ linux /] # ifconfig eth0: 1 netmask broadcast 255 255 255 248
Configuring Routing (Gateway)
[Root @ linux /] # route add-net gw netmask
[Root @ linux /] # route del-net gw
[Root @ linux /] # route add default gw
Write and explain the output of the command above?
Route add: to add a routing table
-Net to add information of a network router server
netmask: netmask to add information network router server
i: to add the gateway address for a server
all done on orders over masing2 server router,
route del: delete a routing table information
default: to add information server router address as its default gateway
Configuring TCP / IP and default gateway is contained in a file
/ Etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
• Edit your NIC configuration
[Root @ linux /] # vi / etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
Replace the NIC configuration with
DEVICE = eth0
ONBOOT = yes
BOOTPROTO = static
BROADCAST = 10.1.3.xx
IPADDR = 10.1.3.yy
Netmask =
NETWORK = 10.1.3.zz
Where "yy" is the last two digits for the number hostID (no serial numbers absent or monitor) praktikan! "Xx" and "ZZ" is determined based on the predetermined netmask
• Restart, stop or start service network!
[Root @ linux /] # service network restart
[Root @ linux /] # / etc / rc.d / init.d / network stop
[Root @ linux /] # / etc / init.d / network start
• Checking the results of the new configuration
[Root @ linux /] # ifconfig
Write and explain the output of the command above?
eth0 Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr 00:50: BA: C0: E1: 0A
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
eth0: hardware is the type of Ethernet line cards
Hwadds: ethernet mac addresses
inet addr: ip address of computer broadcast: broadcast address
mask of masking of a network with 254 rations ip address
• Checking connectivity to host a neighbor!
[Root @ linux /] # ping [ip_tetangga_anda]
• Checking connectivity to all hosts on the network (broadcast)!
[Root @ linux /] # ping [ip_broadcast]-b
Diposkan oleh
5:13 PM
Label: Networking
Commercial Aplicattion Package
Implementation Strategy for Commercial Application Package (Commercial Aplicattion Package)
Many core applications such as HR, finance, business acquisitions, manufacturing, and distribution, there sedilit competitive value in building the system - that's why commercial application package is purchased.
Last komesial solution is ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP solutions provide all the core information system applications for business overall. Examples, SAP, People Soft, and Oracle Applications.
Basic ideas behind the route implementation of commercial application package are:
• Solution-slusi packaged software denagn should be selected carefully to meet business needs
• The solutions are packaged software is not only expensive to buy, but too expensive to be implemented
• software packages typically must be customized and integrated into the business
• software packages rarely meet all the requirements of the business to satisfy customers
• These systems can usually be implemented for the new faster because no extensive programming required
• Many businesses can not afford to provide staff and expertise needed to build their own solutions
• application vendors to spread development costs to all customers their software yangmembeli
• Vendor applications accepted responsibility is a significant improvement of system and error correction
• COTS Impkementasi successful depends padakebrhasilan panjangdan term survival of an application vendor.
• A system purchased merfleksikan rarely an ideal solution that businesses can achieve success with a system developed in-house performance is dikustomasiuntuk harapam-management expectations and the appropriate user
• There is at least the refusal to change business processes to adapt the software
Diposkan oleh
5:11 PM
Label: Information System
Rapid Application Development Strategy
Rapid Application Development Strategy (Rapid Application Development / RAD)
Is a system development strategy that emphasizes speed of development through extensive user involvement in konsteruksi, fast, bears, and getting a series of working prototypes of a system.
RAD is the basic idea;
1. more actively involve the users in the activity system design, analysis, and construction.
2. organizing the system development into a series of intensive seminars and focused with the users, owners, analysts, designers, and system builders.
3. accelerate the phases of requirements analysis and design through construction approach over and over.
4. shorten the time required.
RAD Excellence
1. useful for projects where the requirements of users is uncertain and imprecise.
2. encouraging active user participation and management.
3. projects have more visibility and support tingg.
4. users and the management view-based solutions software and work faster than pengembanagn-driven model.
5. errors and omission tends untukdideteksi early.
6. testing and training is a natural Additional products from a fundamental approach to prototyping.
7. recurrent approach is a more natural process.
Weaknesses RAD
1. be some people argue that the RAD mentality encourages "codes, implement, and improve."
2. RAD prototype can easily solve problems encountered an issue with the wrong-because the analysis of truncated or diabaikian problems.
3. RAD-based prototype of the analysis may be made inferior to consider alternatives other more technical berniali.
4. emphasis on speed may affect adversely the quality of roads caused by the proposed bypass bad denagn through methodology.
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5:08 PM
Label: Information System
System development process
System development process is a set of activities, methods, best practices, goods for delivery, and automated equipment used in the steakholder to develop and continually improve information systems and software.
Capability Maturity Model
CMM framework for systems and software designed to help organizations improve the maturity (maturity) the processes of development of their system. CMM is organized into five maturity levels:
- Tingkat1-start: at this level, system development projects do not follow consistent processes. Each team TODD development tools and methods of their own.
- Level 2 - can be repeated: at this level, the project management processes and practices established to track cost schedule, can the functionality of the project ..
- Level 3 - defined: At this level, the standard system development process (metologi) purchased or developed. All projects use a tailored version of this process to develop and maintain information systems and software.
- Level 4 - Managed: At this level, these goals can be measured for quality and productivity was formed.
- Level 5 - optimized. At this level, the process is continuous development of standardized systems, monitored and improved based on measurements and analysis of data ..
Against Lifecycle Methodology
The life cycle is factoring the useful life of a system of information into two stages (1) penegmbanagan system and (2) operation and maintenance sistem.Ada two-stage life cycle which is a key event that triggers a change from one stage to other stages, namely;
1. when the spin system from development to operations and maintenance, a conversion must occur / appear.
2. at a time, obsolescence appears and a rotating system of operation and maintenance to re-thresholded.
FAST is an acronym of Methodology Framework for the Application of Sistems Thinking (Framework for the application of systems thinking). An intelligent framework fleksibeel enough for a lot of similarities denagn book-based methodologies and commercial practices will be found preformance.
• Principle 1: Involve the User System
• Principle 2: Use a Problem Solving Approach
• Principle 3: Establish phases and activities
• Principle 4: Document Throughout Development
• Principle 5: Establish standard
• Principle 6: Process and Project Management
• Principle 7: Information System confirmed as the Capital Investment
• Principle 8: Do not be afraid to cancel or revise scope
• Principle 9: Divide and Conquer
• Principle 10: Design a System for Growth and Change
System Development Process
Development projects driven by a combination of problems. Opportunities, and orders.
Developed a useful framework to classify the problem, namely PIECES;
P: the need to correct or improve performance
I: the need to correct or improve information utnuk
E: the need to correct or improve the economy, controlling
costs, or meningklatkan keutungan
C: the need to correct or improve the control or security
E: the need to correct or improve the efficiency of people and processes
S: the need to correct or improve service to customers, and
Classical Project Phase
Definition of scope.
There are two purposes of the definition of the scope
1. he answered the question, "Is this project worthy of note?"
2. and assume that these issues deserve attention, it determines the sizes and boundaries of the project, the project vision, all restrictions or limits, project participants are required. And finally, budget and schedule.
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5:06 PM
Label: Information System
Architecture Framework for Information Systems
Information system architecture is a framework where the union of various stakeholders with different perspectives can be organized and look at the fundamental building blocks of information systems. Information system architecture serves as a higher level framework for understanding the different views will be fundamental building blocks of an information system.
Oriented information systems perspective this purpose are:
1. aim to improve knowledge of business insights. Knowledge is the product data information.
2. purpose of improving services and business processes.
3. memperbaiaki purpose of business communication and collaboration between people.
Three views are represented in the model.
a. knowledge-knowledge that helps business managers make smart decisions.
b. Process-activity-activities that implement business mission.
c. Communication-How berantar system to face with its users and other information systems.
Knowledge Builders Block
Business knowledge derived from data and information. Through processing, the data is processed to generate information to produce knowledge. Knowledge is what allows the company to achieve the mission and vision.
Knowledge of system owners will view
Business knowledge in the first form of a simple list of entities and deploying business rules, for example, entity-entis bsinis is CUSTOMER, PRODUCT, EQUIPMENT, CONSTRUCTION, ORDER and PAYMENTS. Examples of business rules that are useful for system sales is:
- A customer can assign orders must be determined by the customer.
- An order to sell the products may be sold by the order.
Information generated from the raw data that describe the business entities. Therefore, it makes sense if we have to quickly identify relevant business entities that we must capture and store.
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5:05 PM
Label: Information System
BLOCK DEVELOPMENT Information System
- Product Information System
Understanding of front-office information system itself is an information system that supports the business functions that extends to customers while the back-office organization information system is an information system that supports internal business operations of an organization and also achieved its suppliers.
Classes of Information Systems Applications
Transaction Processing System (Transaction Processing System / TPS).
Management Information Systems (Management Information System / MIS).
Decision Support Systems (Decision Support System / DSS).
Executive Information Systems (Executive Information System / EIS).
Expert System (Expert System).
Communication and Collaboration Systems (Comunication and Collaboration System).
1. Office Automation System (Office Automation System). The first transaction process to respond to input transaction data. This transaction resulted in the transaction information to verify the correct processing of input transactions.
2. The second transaction process menghsilkan output transactions (eg invoices).
3. first management information system to produce reports or sales information.
4. Second management information system using business models to generate operational management informsi.
5. MIS may use data from multiple transactional database.
6. snapshot data from a transactional database data to fill the building.
7. Application of decision support executive information system data will provide a read-only access to the building data to generate decision support and executive management information.
8. An expert system requires a special database that stores the expertise in the form of rules and heuristics.
9. Expert system receives as input a problem or feel the problems in the environment and then processed into a problem with an appropriate solution.
10. Private office automation systems tend to circulate around the needs of individuals will be processing the data and business.
11. Otomatisassi System office work group (working group) is often based message / message-based (or email-based system) and this is a smaller-scale solutions to the needs of the department.
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5:03 PM
Label: Information System
Information system is the arrangement of people, data, processes, and information technology / information technology that interact to collect, process, provide as output information necessary to support an organization. In compiling san Design Framework Analysis System requires:
1. Transaction processing system (TPS) / transaction processing system
Namely: a system of information capture and processing of business transaction data such as orders, attendance card (time card), payment, and reservations.
2. Management information system / management information system (DSS) or decision support system
Namely: system information that helps to identify decision-making opportunities or provide information to assist decision-making.
3. Executive information system (EIS) / information system execution
Namely: a sytem information that supports planning and assessment needs of executive managers.
Expert syste / System ie expert knowledge capture and reproduce the problem-solving experts.
4. Comunication system / system communication and collaboration
Namely: an information system which enables more effective communication between employees, colleagues, customers and suppliers to improve their ability to cooperate.
5 Office automation system / office automation system
Namely: an information system that supports the activities of a business office that provides extensive workflow is improved among the workers.
Diposkan oleh
5:00 PM
Label: Information System
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Software Quality Criteria
*Efficient utilization of existing computing resources
Capability attribute associated with the level of performance from
Resources used in certain conditions.
*Time Efficiency
Ability of software to process a single command certain functions or perform certain functions on a certain timeframe
*Resource Efficiency
Ability of software to perform specific functions under conditions or the results of certain specific conditions on the use of a number of sources resources.
Attributes that describe specific existence of properties and property certain functions that provide the conditions or the desire of user satisfaction.
Where the quality level of software functions necessary to process to meet user wishes
>>Truth The degree to which all functions have a species? Cation own
>>Security Level of quality where the software can detect and prevent weakness, loss of information and the illegal destruction of data sources power,
>>Compatibility Level of quality which the new software can be installed without changes conditions and working environment by providing the possibility peyiapan and replacement of software.
>>Interopalibitas Level of quality where the software can communicate with easily with other systems and easily for use
One attribute that describes the capabilities needed for modification specific.
Level of quality associated with the ability to reorganize mistake or error and correction can be handled with keingginan seuasi user.
>>Development or the ability to Expansion
Quality level of effort required to improve or
memodification of the work or function of the software functionality.
Kualita level of software testing as required for software testing
Quality attributes related to the ability of software to transferred from certain envirinmet to another envirinmen
*Dependence on hardware
Level of quality that shows the dependence of software on the device particular hardware. Software should not depend on hardware
>>Independence in software support
Level of software quality will be the drivers on species? devices certain software
>>Capabilities Installation
Level of effort to set the software to achieve conditions particular, at the level where the software can be reused on the other application than just to one original application.
Attributes that describe the ability of software to maintain the level of his performance level in certain circumstances and the range certain time
>>The absence of efficiency
Level of quality where there are no software or are found errors or mistakes that can not detected.
Error or Error tolerance ( Describing the quality level of tolerance limits in which the device software will continue to function without causing an error Direct and indirect damage to user data. In this context termasauk in it is the level of ability operation of existing functions to recovery and back in operation
Describing the quality level of software capability still remain in operation at the time of the faulty system
Attributes that describe efforts to use (including preparation the use and evaluation of results) and describe the duties of the usefulness function of the user
Number of users who require extra effort to understand and comprehend software
>>Easy to learn
Describing the quality level of effort required by users to understand the software. Ideal condition is that the effort performed a minimum.
Level of quality that describes the suitability of software goals and objectives as well as describing the use of psychological characteristics users including ergonomic factors such as color, size, sound and so forth.
>>The ability to communicate
Illustrating that the quality level of software designed in accordance with psychological characteristics of the user.
Diposkan oleh
12:24 PM
Label: Information System
System Development Process
The main thing of this process is knowing the design and analysis system. Like, looking at pictures all the major activities involved in the development of a complete cycle.
System Development Process
Information systems development life cycle found divided into six phases, namely:
1. Planning system
2. Systems analysis
3. Overall system design / conceptual
4. Evaluation and selection system
5. Detailed system design
6. Software Development and
System implementation
7. System Maintenance
Diposkan oleh
12:12 PM
Label: Information System
Building a Plot and Story
A story becomes interesting when there is a core characters (the President) was involved in an exciting event. A story should have the beginning, middle and end, though not necessarily in that order.
When I write or make a story, I took a step like Joe Edkin (Quicksilver comic writer) is to give to my own impression that the story that I make is a big picture which is divided from the smaller parts. So when building a story I consider it like completing a puzzle game.
So when a story or a movie becomes unattractive, usually caused by fragments of the lost.
b. Mantelpiece Rule
A writer from Russia named Anton Chekov saying "If you put a gun on the mantelpiece, would eventually be fired." Does it mean when you say at the beginning of the story featured a character who can fly it at the end of the story you have to show these figures to fly again in late stories. Or do not show something confusing if in the end the audience will not see it anymore.
So if you want to show that the character can fly at the beginning of the story, then you need to build a story that explains that these leaders must be able to fly or not fly. This is a matter of playing fair with the audience. This means that all the viewers need to understand each story or episode must have a squint at the episode or story.
Viewers will mystery but love is not like it when they were confused. Mysteries are a series of puzzles that have the answers, if we do not provide all the pieces of the puzzle to the audience, then they will feel confused, then angry and finally indifferent to our story.
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10:02 AM
Label: Film
Camera Terms
There are some terms commonly used in cameras and standards used in writing the scenario.
Fade IN.
First scene will start.
Fade Out.
A round ends or be interrupted by advertising or an episode ends.
Establishing shot.
A Shot Long Shot mostly in the beginning of a scene / scenes showing all locations.
Cut to.
To move from one scene / scene to scene / scene to the next continuously.
Dissolve to
Guns much different from the Cut to. But used for Flashback scenes (the past) that have a sufficiently long time span.
V.O (Voice Over).
The voice sounded, but no person. Usually used for narration.
O.S (Off Scene).
The voice sounded a new character first appeared lately.
Scenes from the People of the Past.
Push In (Zoom In).
The camera moves in towards an object.
Push Out.
Push the opposite of IN.
Diposkan oleh
9:52 AM
Label: Film
a. Plan
When creating a story we have a lot to look for references that match the theme and story that we want to make, can be from books, movies, magazines, newspapers, internet etc..
But when we want to create a script that would be making an animated guide, our writers have to train the Visual Thinking as described at the first meeting.
We must also take stock of conflict, meant to maintain momentum, how to read the synopsis until memorized, and we feel there is conflict, friendship, romance, adventure, etc. then we are making plans and prioritize where the conflicts that we place.
b. Outline
Now, after everything is ready then the next step to create a script is to make the outline.
Outline what creatures tuh?
Outline or Treatment or Breakdown (comics Language) contains a story or plot in every scene of the characters are roughly there is no dialogue, so it could be interpreted synopsis of each scene in every round of the characters.
Example Outline:
Synopsis Pawn # 1
At noon in his office Haryo are facing confusion in his heart when he found that there was something that was hidden by Organization about his past, so he decided to sneak into the main computer room at night Organization.
Outline Pawn # 1
Scene 1
Int. Haryo workspace - noon.
Haryo are doing something on his computer, suddenly in front of a computer screen visible to show that the data sought by Haryo been erased. Haryo stunned and tried it again but in vain, he wondered why the data pertaining to its past has been erased. In the midst of confusion suddenly Haryo expression shows that he's planning something.
Diposkan oleh
9:44 AM
Label: Film
Storytelling Triangle
According to many authors there are four basic elements in building a story that is:
1. Characters
As mentioned previously is The Who.
For this points to keep in mind in giving the name, we can get from a dictionary or we develop from what occurred in our heads, and for the main characters as much as possible we make a name that will easily be remembered by the audience, it need too long or hard.
2. The Plot
Is The What, what the characters want and what happens? The simplest example, Gemblung want to go to the office early for a presentation to clients and bosses, unfortunately he was late to wake up and the clock shows the time in the office is near, when they want a shower, Gemblung suddenly had an idea that is bathed in the office, on middle of the road he suddenly remembered that the bathroom faucet is not turned off so that he must come home to take the turn off the tap water and finally Gemblung too late to get to the office, as a result of his presentation failed, body odor and got upset by his superiors.
So the plot is a series of conflicts and settlement of which culminate in klimax.
3. The Story
Is the Where, When, How and Why. Where and When are the early details, they are important because they determine how the characters react and behave and surrounding areas. Just an example of the city must have a different attitude to the rural people. Plot the above would happen in a big city, the plot could not be moved to the area of Gunung Kidul 1200s.
How to develop the question "What is desired by our character?" Is to explore how they are to achieve their goals. Then we look at why each event in the plot may be associated with the characters and the audience.
Finally, the story has an impact on Gemblung, superiors, other characters and most importantly to the audience. Why the audience should care about the delay Gemblung and its consequences? Here lies the story.
4. The Theme or Premise
Every story must have a theme, the theme of the story could have "Turn on the alarm clock so as not to wake up late." Or "Prepare everything before leaving." Consequences of not turn on the alarm clock or preparing materials for the office and then translated. The theme does not have to be complicated to "Love can conquer anything," "Crimes must be paid," "Everything is back to the decision of Allah or God." And probably could have made a complex about politics. No problem complex or simple theme that we want to convey as long as everything was still inside the story we have created and headed to the settlement of the story, or characters, plots, and stories relating to the themes and visual forms, usually when someone asks about the story we make, they do not know the theme that we wish to convey.
5. Three-act structure
After considering all the above description it can be concluded that the function of Storytelling is to maintain and play a momentum, momentum is the intent of an incident will result in the reaction of other events, then the reaction is a reaction to make the next event so it goes. So with that momentum plays a decisive interesting or not our film. For that needed momentum management or structure that is composed with good momentum.
There were really only three important points that the momentum of Action (Problem), Reaction (Development), result (Resolution). An "Action" will cause "reactions" and produces "a result". This method became known as "The Three Act." Or the structure of three acts.
Round one is the "Action" or a Problem, round two "reaction" or the Development or the development and round three is the "result" or Resolution or settlement.
Diposkan oleh
9:37 AM
Label: Multimedia
Human Personality Temperament
1. People Sanguin
- A lot of talk
- Friendly
- Passionate (Enthusiastic)
- Sociable
- Easy fell sorry
- Jovial
- Weak desire
- Not cool
- No discipline
- Fidget
- Not reliable
- Egocentric
- Noise
- Excess-colored
2. People Choleric Temperament
- Strong-willed
- Diligent
- Open hearted encyclopedia
- Optimistic
- Practical
- Productive
- Unequivocal
- Leaders
- Genial despot
- Sarcastic
- Mastering
- No cold shoulder
- Proud
- Satisfied self
- Not heartless
- Feline
3. Melancholic person
- Gifted
- Engineered
- Sensitive
- Perfectionists
- Enjoys Beauty
- Idealistic
- Faithful
- Egocentric
- Morose
- Pessimistic
- Theoretical
- Not practical
- Not friendly
- Vengeful
4. People Flegmatik
- Relax
- Soft hearts
- Can be relied upon
- Efficient
- Conservative
- Practical
- Leaders
- Files
- Craven
- No firm
- Attendance
- Enjoys protect yourself
- Selfish
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9:12 AM
Label: Lifestyles
Characterization Multimedia
In General types of characterizations in the story can be divided into three:
a. People Protagonist
Usually this is the figure who became the "hero" in the story and placed as the main character. Tend to be good-hearted personality, likes to help, just "the best person".
b. People Antagonist
Drawn character as opposed to the protagonist is usually a criminal, a bandit chief and so on. His personality tends Evil, likes to hurt other people.
c. People of Gray (Gray)
People who did not clear whether he Protagonist or antagonist, a tendency characterizations on the animated movie this time is the placement of "Gray" as the main character because it can develop more in the story without having to exit from an existing story or we make.
d. Setting Location
And we also should be able to imagine the location of PGS (Place Genesis story). We must make a detailed years, centuries, even the season, House (Exterior and Interior), Environment, if we can provide a reference to the background artist on the above matter.
Diposkan oleh
8:57 AM
Label: Multimedia
The scenario is a story that can be made into audio visual media.
a. Breaking The Rules
Writing is one of the fields of art, we as writers have to see things with different perspectives with others or find a way entirely new view will be a thing.
But first we must find out why "something" that we want to change it there and why "something" must exist.
So "Breaking rules" to change a rule does not create art, but will create anarchy.
Besides "Breaking rules" should we have the ability as a playwright animation (comics, movies, etc.) is to think visually. A good animated film is a harmony between the images, dialogue, sounds, and music. So let the other supporting arts (Picture, Sound and Music) which brings an important element in the story in this plot and characters.
Visual Thinking Ability can we practice example by making the story by putting the pictures that we take away from cameras, camcorders, etc.. This exercise makes us think and make the story in a series of pictures, and will help us to give the concept will be some information that we can be in one image and also help us in describing the idea in our minds to the drawing artist.
b. Themes, Stories and Plots
The theme is a message we will convey to the audience when they'll watch or read our work.
A story without a theme will be "an empty barrel."
The story in general can we interpret as an information about an incident or event.
Whereas the course of the story plot is how we want to convey.
After determining the themes and stories, we must determine the 5 W + H, among others:
Where, When, Who, Why, What, How.
Where and When
Where and When did your story happen or take place, in making the animation must be described in full in order to facilitate the Background and Character design in making or environmental background and character (clothing, weapons, equipment, etc.) later.
Characters that we make in the story, whether major or supporting characters.
What happens in the story and the characters in the stories we create? (The plot). What is the purpose of our characters (especially the main character) in the story? point to build the character's motivations that would develop the personality of the character.
Why is it happening? Why do characters want what they want? And most important for our writers is "Why is the audience or viewers want to watch our program?"
How can our characters get what they want? How did they react to failure or success.
Every Scene that we make will have to have at least one of the questions above, point to make the audience understand every event that has not been collected.
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8:49 AM
Label: Multimedia
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Three-Dimensional Multimedia
For understanding for now is mostly in the form of books. When reading the pilgrimage guidebook of the difficulties and feel bored when trying to understand explanation of the book. With the visualization will facilitate the understanding because when visualized highlight the object that shows the activity requirement, and the obligatory pilgrimage pillars.
Therefore, by using developments in information technology especially in the field of multimedia we can make "Hajj pilgrimage guide Visualization Using 3 Dimensional Animation" which is expected to overcome these problems. The basic principle of three dimensions that is with the character modeling, design of buildings and other animations such as (light, rain, lightning, gravity, motion).
Existing animation in the form of two dimensions and three dimensions. As computer technology developments, developments in the world of graphics are also very fast. It is shown with animation produced by using three dimensions. With 3 Dimensional animation, objects - objects that can be generated to resemble the original.
Three-Dimensional animation is one of the many types of films made and produced up to now. The development of this film began rapidly since computers began to change the function than just a good computer (computing) can be up to become a tool that can handle the various purposes of making animated films. 3 Dimensional animation is a type of film that is more important skill to model objects, building animated characters that can walk, run, jump, speak, and so forth. Although it looks complicated in the making but the movie made more of this type because of cheaper production costs than other types of films with characters played by humans.
Copyright : Kelik E.S (2008)
Diposkan oleh
5:48 PM
Label: Multimedia
a. Manuscript
Making a theme, stories, synopsis, and details of the scene ready to be produced.
b. Storyboard
Script-making process becomes more details in the form image and divide it into sub section (cut) as well as providing timing per Cut.
c. Drawing (Key animation and In Between) and Background
Storyboard-making process the film into sections.
d. Animation and Coloring
The process of sorting the images into moving pictures and coloring.
e. Editing
The process of making animations and backgrounds into sequences and correspond to the time that is already on the storyboard and adding visual effects.
f. Voice Editing and Composing Music
The process of giving voice (Dubbing), sound effects and music that fit with the image.
g. Packaging
The process of final settlement of all the above process becomes a movie.
Diposkan oleh
1:04 AM
Label: Multimedia
Friday, April 23, 2010
Routing Basics
Routing is used for making a packet from a network appliance and sent through to the other tools disebuah different network.
If you do not have a network router, then clearly you do not do routing.
To be able to perform packet routing, there are things that must be known:
• Destination address
• neighbor routers from which a router can learn about a remote network
• Route all possible to network remote
• The best route for each remote network
Router stores routing table that describes how to find the network-network remotely.
The types of routing are:
• Static Routing
• Default Routing
• Dynamic Routing
IP Routing Process
IP routing process can be explained by using the following image:
Default gateway of the host (Host_A) configured to To be able to send this package to the default gateway, must be known hardware address of Ethernet 0 interface of the router (which is configured with the IP address Why is that? In order for the package can be submitted to the Data Link layer, then encapsulated into the frame, and sent to a router interface that connects to the network Host to communicate only with the hardware address on the local LAN. Important to understand that Host_A, in order to communicate with Host_B, should send the packet to the MAC address of the default gateway in the local network.
Static Routing
Static routing occurs if the admin to manually add the route-route in the routing table of each router.
Static routing has the clappers, the following advantages:
• No overhead (processing time) on the CPU router (router is cheaper than a dynamic routeng)
• No bandwidth used between the routers.
• Static Routing add security, because the administrator can choose to fill in the routing to access a particular network.
Static routing has the following disadvantages:
• Administration should really understand the internetwork and how each router is connected to be able to configure the router properly.
• If a network added to the internetwork, Administration must add a router-all these routes manually.
• Static routing is not suitable for large network-network because guard will become a full-time job itself.
Default Routing
The default routing is used for sending packets to manually add a network router to a remote destination that does not exist in the routing table, to the next hop router. Normally used on the network who have only one exit point.
Dynamic Routing
Dynamic routing is when the routing protocol used to find the network and update its routing table on the router. And this is easier than using static and default routing, but he will set you apart in terms of CPU processes on the router and bandwidth usage of network
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10:26 PM
Label: Networking
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model
• Developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1984
• OSI reference model is a conceptual model consisting of seven layers, each layer has a specific function
• Each layer is self-contained and functions assigned to each layer can be implemented independently
• Updating the functioning of a layer will not affect other layers
• OSI allows computer interconnection multivendors
Diposkan oleh
4:29 PM
Label: Networking
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
LAN System
Series Local Area or LAN (Local Area Network) system was
womb devices (devices) are connected among one another in an kawas
terhad geographic distances, usually covering a single building or multiple buildings
adjacent. Breadth of the LAN circuit is usually a radius of 10km and not merangkumi
require remote connection technologies provided by Sarekat telecommunications.
There are several popular LAN technologies like Ethernet, Token Ring and FDDI.
Each of them has its own way of working and perkakasan, but in this tugasan
will only discuss the most popular LAN technology specifically Ethernet.
Ethernet uses the concept of Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
(CSMA / CD) protocol standard IEEE 802.3 refer.
The concept of CSMA / CD is the arrangement for penghantaran data by the computer / device
simultaneously. All the computers may be brought on when the da ta-when the time but
before data dihantar, he will be attempts to see first if there is another computer delivers
data. If there is, he will wait for the instantaneous (random time) and led to the original
if applicable vacancies at talian.
As if computer A example of technical attempts he will deliver packet
see first if there is a digital signal in the presence of these talian. If clear (no
signal) then the packet will be forwarded penghantaran and if there is a signal (talian used)
then signal "clock" will dihantar computer A stop leads to packet
these. If cubaan conductivity 15 times applicable (collision) and the line was busy,
"Time out" will apply and the packet needs to dihantar original.
Diposkan oleh
9:31 PM
Label: Networking
Blog Archive
- Internet Applications
- Multimedia Applications
- Operating Systems
- Analyzing the MAC Address
- Configuring TCP
- Commercial Aplicattion Package
- Rapid Application Development Strategy
- Architecture Framework for Information Systems
- BLOCK DEVELOPMENT Information System
- Software Quality Criteria
- System Development Process
- Building a Plot and Story
- Camera Terms
- Storytelling Triangle
- Human Personality Temperament
- Characterization Multimedia
- Three-Dimensional Multimedia
- Routing Basics
- LAN System
- Full and half duplex
- Image
- Introduction Types of Protocol
- Overview of Information Technology