Saturday, April 24, 2010

Three-Dimensional Multimedia

Improved guidance of pilgrims and the limited knowledge on the
world's Muslim community about science pilgrimage guide, which is caused by circumstances prospective pilgrims and people of world's are very diverse in education, age and level of understanding of science pilgrimage guide. For that needed planting pilgrimage guide knowledge and understanding of the hajj pilgrimage to the candidates about the requirement, and the obligatory pilgrimage pillars that must be done sequentially and comprehensively. If one left, then the invalid hajj.
For understanding for now is mostly in the form of books. When reading the pilgrimage guidebook of the difficulties and feel bored when trying to understand explanation of the book. With the visualization will facilitate the understanding because when visualized highlight the object that shows the activity requirement, and the obligatory pilgrimage pillars.

Therefore, by using developments in information technology especially in the field of multimedia we can make "Hajj
pilgrimage guide Visualization Using 3 Dimensional Animation" which is expected to overcome these problems. The basic principle of three dimensions that is with the character modeling, design of buildings and other animations such as (light, rain, lightning, gravity, motion).
Existing animation in the form of two dimensions and three dimensions. As computer technology developments, developments in the world of graphics are also very fast. It is shown with animation produced by using three dimensions. With 3 Dimensional animation, objects - objects that can be generated to resemble the original.
Three-Dimensional animation is one of the many types of films made and produced up to now. The development of this film began rapidly since computers began to change the function than just a good computer (computing) can be up to become a tool that can handle the various purposes of making animated films. 3 Dimensional animation is a type of film that is more important skill to model objects, building animated characters that can walk, run, jump, speak, and so forth. Although it looks complicated in the making but the movie made more of this type because of cheaper production costs than other types of films with characters played by humans.
Copyright : Kelik E.S (2008)

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