Sunday, April 25, 2010


The scenario is a story that can be made into audio visual media.

a. Breaking The Rules
Writing is one of the fields of art, we as writers have to see things with different perspectives with others or find a way entirely new view will be a thing.

But first we must find out why "something" that we want to change it there and why "something" must exist.

So "Breaking rules" to change a rule does not create art, but will create anarchy.

Besides "Breaking rules" should we have the ability as a playwright animation (comics, movies, etc.) is to think visually. A good animated film is a harmony between the images, dialogue, sounds, and music. So let the other supporting arts (Picture, Sound and Music) which brings an important element in the story in this plot and characters.

Visual Thinking Ability can we practice example by making the story by putting the pictures that we take away from cameras, camcorders, etc.. This exercise makes us think and make the story in a series of pictures, and will help us to give the concept will be some information that we can be in one image and also help us in describing the idea in our minds to the drawing artist.

b. Themes, Stories and Plots
The theme is a message we will convey to the audience when they'll watch or read our work.
A story without a theme will be "an empty barrel."

The story in general can we interpret as an information about an incident or event.

Whereas the course of the story plot is how we want to convey.

After determining the themes and stories, we must determine the 5 W + H, among others:

Where, When, Who, Why, What, How.

Where and When
Where and When did your story happen or take place, in making the animation must be described in full in order to facilitate the Background and Character design in making or environmental background and character (clothing, weapons, equipment, etc.) later.

Characters that we make in the story, whether major or supporting characters.

What happens in the story and the characters in the stories we create? (The plot). What is the purpose of our characters (especially the main character) in the story? point to build the character's motivations that would develop the personality of the character.

Why is it happening? Why do characters want what they want? And most important for our writers is "Why is the audience or viewers want to watch our program?"

How can our characters get what they want? How did they react to failure or success.

Every Scene that we make will have to have at least one of the questions above, point to make the audience understand every event that has not been collected.

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