Monday, April 26, 2010

Rapid Application Development Strategy

Rapid Application Development Strategy (Rapid Application Development / RAD)
Is a system development strategy that emphasizes speed of development through extensive user involvement in konsteruksi, fast, bears, and getting a series of working prototypes of a system.

RAD is the basic idea;
1. more actively involve the users in the activity system design, analysis, and construction.
2. organizing the system development into a series of intensive seminars and focused with the users, owners, analysts, designers, and system builders.
3. accelerate the phases of requirements analysis and design through construction approach over and over.
4. shorten the time required.
RAD Excellence
1. useful for projects where the requirements of users is uncertain and imprecise.
2. encouraging active user participation and management.
3. projects have more visibility and support tingg.
4. users and the management view-based solutions software and work faster than pengembanagn-driven model.
5. errors and omission tends untukdideteksi early.
6. testing and training is a natural Additional products from a fundamental approach to prototyping.
7. recurrent approach is a more natural process.
Weaknesses RAD
1. be some people argue that the RAD mentality encourages "codes, implement, and improve."
2. RAD prototype can easily solve problems encountered an issue with the wrong-because the analysis of truncated or diabaikian problems.
3. RAD-based prototype of the analysis may be made inferior to consider alternatives other more technical berniali.
4. emphasis on speed may affect adversely the quality of roads caused by the proposed bypass bad denagn through methodology.

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