Software quality is the level of the software process from a combination of desired attributes. Each attribute are more information. Determinants of quality are as follows:
*Efficient utilization of existing computing resources
Capability attribute associated with the level of performance from
Resources used in certain conditions.
*Time Efficiency
Ability of software to process a single command certain functions or perform certain functions on a certain timeframe
*Resource Efficiency
Ability of software to perform specific functions under conditions or the results of certain specific conditions on the use of a number of sources resources.
Attributes that describe specific existence of properties and property certain functions that provide the conditions or the desire of user satisfaction.
Where the quality level of software functions necessary to process to meet user wishes
>>Truth The degree to which all functions have a species? Cation own
>>Security Level of quality where the software can detect and prevent weakness, loss of information and the illegal destruction of data sources power,
>>Compatibility Level of quality which the new software can be installed without changes conditions and working environment by providing the possibility peyiapan and replacement of software.
>>Interopalibitas Level of quality where the software can communicate with easily with other systems and easily for use
One attribute that describes the capabilities needed for modification specific.
Level of quality associated with the ability to reorganize mistake or error and correction can be handled with keingginan seuasi user.
>>Development or the ability to Expansion
Quality level of effort required to improve or
memodification of the work or function of the software functionality.
Kualita level of software testing as required for software testing
Quality attributes related to the ability of software to transferred from certain envirinmet to another envirinmen
*Dependence on hardware
Level of quality that shows the dependence of software on the device particular hardware. Software should not depend on hardware
>>Independence in software support
Level of software quality will be the drivers on species? devices certain software
>>Capabilities Installation
Level of effort to set the software to achieve conditions particular, at the level where the software can be reused on the other application than just to one original application.
Attributes that describe the ability of software to maintain the level of his performance level in certain circumstances and the range certain time
>>The absence of efficiency
Level of quality where there are no software or are found errors or mistakes that can not detected.
Error or Error tolerance ( Describing the quality level of tolerance limits in which the device software will continue to function without causing an error Direct and indirect damage to user data. In this context termasauk in it is the level of ability operation of existing functions to recovery and back in operation
Describing the quality level of software capability still remain in operation at the time of the faulty system
Attributes that describe efforts to use (including preparation the use and evaluation of results) and describe the duties of the usefulness function of the user
Number of users who require extra effort to understand and comprehend software
>>Easy to learn
Describing the quality level of effort required by users to understand the software. Ideal condition is that the effort performed a minimum.
Level of quality that describes the suitability of software goals and objectives as well as describing the use of psychological characteristics users including ergonomic factors such as color, size, sound and so forth.
>>The ability to communicate
Illustrating that the quality level of software designed in accordance with psychological characteristics of the user.
14 years ago
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